With the name of the Almighty Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. Allahuma soli alaa Sayidinaa Muhammad wa alaa aalihi wa ashaabihi wasallim

I give all thanks to the Almighty Allah in His Unique Singularity for preserving us and granting us the opportunity to witness today, it is a day we planned to unveil to the world our project tagged LET’S GET BETTER, which we started over a year now, and I tagged this my unveiling speech as :


Humanity in Islam- Islam is another word for peace, the peace of mankind. It talks about the oneness and unity of humanity. We can see Islam emphasizes a lot for the rights of humanity as we can see many sayings of Quran and Hadiths.

“whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one human being it shall be as if he has saved the life if the whole mankind” Quran, 5: 32

Our Beloved Prophet salaallahu alayhi wasallam, said : “none of you is yet a true

believer until he wishes for good brother what he wishes for himself”

“nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel evil with what is good: then will the situation of hatred between you and him turn to be as if you are intimate friend” Quran, 41:34

The hidden power of the self that Islam seek to utilize is love. It is love that frees human beings from the bonds of narrow-mindedness, materialism, and selfishness. It is love that finds expression in tolerance, empathy, benevolence, and self-sacrifice.

Love motivates, inspires, challenges, and satisfies.

Scientific discoveries and inventions increased human knowledge of the universe. But instead of being grateful for and humbled by the gifts of newfound capabilities, human beings exploited them for selfish ends. Consequently, our lives remained

devoid of peace and tranquillity. Materialism added to humanity’s unresolved problems by breeding political and environmental ailments. Greed and cynicism flourished. Conflicts deepened among interests and classes and between the planet and its inhabitants, placing our species on a path toward self-destruction.

Science helped create the dilemmas that now face humanity, but it is still a science focused on humanity not human and laced with spirituality can help us find a way out. If we conceive scientific approach and experimental methods with a wider perspective


(Love, oneness and spiritualty), we can use them to forge a pathway that will extricate humanity from its suffering and propel it to a state of peace and equilibrium.

The remedy for our global ills must be searched for in human nature itself.

The main purpose of the LGB forum is to mobilize the concept of togetherness, so as to tackle a range of problems that confront Humanity.

The outputs of the LGB forum are targeted at a vast audience (from the family to the academics, religion without borders, professionals, government, playwright, artisans, economic, health, people on the streets and etc.) using different media, including research papers, talks, plays and art work.


The Meaning and Value of Ubuntu in Human and Social Development in Africa UBUNTU is a very nice story from Africa.

What is the motivation behind the Ubuntu culture in Africa?

An Anthropologist proposed a game to the African tribal children….

He placed a basket of sweets near a tree and made the children stand 100 meters away. Then he announced that whoever reaches the basket first would get all the sweet in the basket. Then he said ‘ready steady go!’…

Do u know what these children did? They all held each other’s hands, ran together towards the tree, divided the sweets equally among themselves, ate the sweets and enjoyed it.

When the anthropologist asked them why they did so, they answered…. “UBUNTU,”

which meant – ‘ how can one be happy when others are sad?’

UBUNTU in their language means – “I AM BECAUSE WE ARE”

Ubuntu is the African idea of personhood: persons depend on other persons to be. This is summarized in the expression: “umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu”, that is, a person is a person through persons.

A strong message for all generations. Let all of us always have this attitude and spread happiness wherever we go.

What Is the Spirit of Ubuntu — and How Can We Have It in Our Lives? We all have a lot to learn from this beautiful southern African philosophy.


Nelson Mandela once said: “A traveller through a country would stop at a village and he didn’t have to ask for food or for water. Once he stops, the people give him food, entertain him. That is one aspect of Ubuntu but it will have various aspects.”


We should stop thinking frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, because you are connected and what you do affects the whole world, let’s understand and imbibe the context of the string theory whatever you are doing do it well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity.”

This is exactly what LET’S GET BETTER is about, it’s a reminder that no one is an island

— every single thing that you do, good or bad, has an effect on your family, friends, and society. It also reminds us that we need think twice about the choices we want to make and the kind of impact they may have on others.

Gender inequality, poverty, and violence happens on a global scale and these atrocities are what tells us that we need to do more as a society to actively live, we need to INHALE AND EXHALE HUMANITY and put it into action on a daily basis. Its in our DNA.

Everyone in society needs to play a part, regardless of how small one may think it is. We all have a role to play and it’s of vital importance that our actions inspire others to want to be a part of a better and brighter future.

Humanity is also about justice, and particularly, justice for all people. As much as we must look after each other, it is also just as important that we exercise fairness and equality for all people regardless of race, religion, gender, or social status.

This Humanity DNA runs through our individual and collective personalities and we must stamp and unveil it as our Global Goals, because without the spirit of Humanity within us, we cannot implement great change in our society. It’s imperative that we help all people, young and old, to achieve only the best for our future. LET’S GET BETTER

Let me share some best Humanity quotes.

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”

  • Dalai Lama

“The next evolutionary step for humankind is to move from human to kind.”

  • Anonymous

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

  • Mother Teresa

“It’s human nature to gripe, but I’m going ahead and doing the best I can.”

  • Elvis Presley

“The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.”

  • Leo Tolstoy

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

  • Mahatma Gandhi

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

  • Martin Luther King

“Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.”

  • Albert Einstein

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.”

  • Muhammad Ali

“Some people are so poor all they have is money, such people are only man not


  • aafaakallau


In brief, I will state the purpose of LET’S GET BETTER (LGB) as follows:

The aim of LGB is to investigate those areas of human nature and the hidden sources of human knowledge that have not yet been explored to the fullest. This investigation which is based on Islamic spiritual orientation has to follow a modern and refined scientific approach and experiential method. In this way, finding the solutions to various human problems and the remedy for different human ills will be undertaken.


The LGB forum strives to understand the essential nature of humans, the universe,

and humanity’s relation to it in a way relevant to the contemporary world.

This understanding will help us to find solutions to the problems of the individual and collective life of humanity. While material energy and discoveries can and should be utilized in the service of humanity, the main objective of the LGB forum is to discover the capabilities and potentialities of the inner human being, and their utilization for the benefit of humankind.

The hidden power of the human self, which we are seeking to tap and utilize, is the power of love. It is this power that frees human beings from the bonds of narrow materialism and selfishness, and persuades them to observe tolerance, empathy, regard, benevolence, and self-sacrifice towards others. It motivates, inspires, challenges, and satisfies.

The understanding of the nature of the self and its hidden powers will be conducive to adjusting our attitudes and behaviour to others and to the universe as a whole. It will reveal to us the powerful inter-relatedness of the human existence and the universe, and will bring forth a creed of universal brotherhood and unbounded love.

As we entered a new Islamic year yesterday, Let our New Year’s resolution be this:

LET’S GET BETTER, let’s be there for one another as fellow members of humanity.

Being human is given. But keeping humanity is a choice.

Quoting the chorus from the song (HEAL THE WORLD) of Michele Jackson, Please join me if you know it…

Heal the world-Make it a better place-For you and for me-And the entire human race There are people dying-If you care enough for the living- Make it a better place-For you and for me……



Abdurazaaq mubashir woleola

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